Bach Bibliography
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Author : Unger, Melvin P.
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : serially (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Unger, Melvin P.The German choral church compositions of Johann David Heinichen, 1683-1729. 1990 241p
2. Unger, Melvin P.J.S. Bach's Major Works for Voices and Instruments: A Listener's Guide. 2005 x, 141p
3. Unger, Melvin P.Handbook to Bach's Sacred Cantata Texts: An Interlinear Translation with Reference Guide to Biblical Quotations and Allusions. 1996 xvi, 777p
4. Unger, Melvin P.Historical dictionary of choral music. 2010 xxvii, 555p
5. Unger, Melvin P.Bach's First Two Leipzig Cantatas: The Question of Meaning Revisited. Bach 28 1-2 1997 87-125
6. Unger, Melvin P.Alfred Mann. Bach 37 2 2006 119
7. Unger, Melvin P.Chiastic reflection in the B-minor Mass: lament's paradoxical mirror [ce]ExploringBMM 2013 125-141
8. Unger, Melvin P.Uncovering Text-Music Connections with a Relational Database: Towards an Objective Measurement of Melodic Pitch Diversity in Relation to Literary Themes in Bach's Church Cantata Recitatives. ComputersHumanities 38 3 2004 271-297
9. Unger, Melvin P.Chiastic Reflection in the B-minor Mass: Lament's Paradoxical Mirror. [cr]Belfast2007 1 2007 93-115
10. Unger, Melvin P.'Ich elender Mensch': Bach on the Soul's Torment. WolfenbüttelArbBarockF 43 2005 ii: 543-558

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita